s a f e r s e x . o r g - an online journal of safer sex
safersex.org v4.0 · August 2002
an online journal of safer sexuality
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footprints, why baby footprints?<%title%> | <%description%>
DayLink Monday, June 24, 2002

Fred asks "What percentage of lesbian women have AIDS, and what percentage of lesbian women do not have AIDS, but carry the AIDS virus?"

That's a good question Fred. Sort of esoteric because AIDS is so commonly associated with gay men. But a good question.

Lesbians are certainly not immune to AIDS but as a percentage of total cases they are really a minority. As recently as 2000 there were a few small studies trying to gather data on lesbians and the HIV virus in the United States. there is much work to be done.

The primary vectors for the infection in lesbians is either 1) drug use, or 2) unprotected sex with an infected man. There doesn't seem to be a lot of reported lesbian to lesbian transmission of the HIV virus. But HPV, Herpes, & Hepatitis B are very transmissible.

11:44:09 PM    

Today I found out that a friend of mine Nikki died in San Francisco last week. He was about 30 I think. He was HIV positive. Although I don't know yet what killed him I can easily imagine it was related to that infection. Very sad.

When I was a teenager a friend of mine, Beth, attended to her dad's death as he was taken down by the virus. Both of these deaths resonate with me more than other deaths I have been connected to in the last couple of years. I have been looking to speak to Nikki again for the last several months. I didn't know he had left town. Take care Nikki.

11:28:29 PM    

Maddy asks if it is possible to use a condom in the pool. Of course you can. The biggest issue should be the women's lubrication. Some women will experience a drying of their mucus in a heavily chlorinated water.

If you are intending to have sex in a pool it's probably a good idea to use a lubricant such as Astroglide. Apply the lubricant before entering the water. Since a glycerine based lubricant will break down in the water it shouldn't leave a heavy film in the water the same way a silicone based lube like Wet Platinum will.

If did not intend to have sex in a pool but find yourself desireous of coupling be very gentle with each other. The woman may find the friction too great to bear as her lubrication may be dried up no matter how aroused she gets.

Also keep in mind that by engaging in this behavior in a pool you are liable to make a floating cum stain in the water. If you are in a pool you are not prepared to clean this type of behavior should probably be avoided unless you are wearing a condom to keep the cum contained.

11:02:44 PM    

Gottfried Straube
- Gottfried Straube

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