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Thursday, June 13, 2002
The Geek Interface
Why Geeks and Sex Don't Mix - Mike Perry
    So it may be that imaginary Sex is, in some cases, actually greater than fun. Especially if it involves some odd number of real pies. There are also those who would try to argue that it may be that real Sex can be greater than fun if it involves an odd number of imaginary pies. These people are clearly fools, because they are neglecting the fact that the limits themselves are imaginary as soon as you bring imaginary pies into the mix. In fact, it's probably best if you leave imaginary pi out of Sex altogether. After all, real homemade pi is better than imaginary pi any day of the week.
Sex Tips for Geeks - Eric Raymond

No Sex Please, We're Geeks - Paulina Borsook

Brenda's Dating Advice for Geeks - Brenda

The Code of the Geeks v1.0.1 - Perl

6/13/02:10:56:54 PM PST    comment

s a f e r s e x . o r g - an online journal of safer sex
Gottfried Straube
- Gottfried Straube
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an online journal of safer sexuality
circulation · annual readers
editor · christopher l. filkins
technique · cornerhost, radio, blogger,
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How To Put On A Condom
How To Use
A Condom

...mechanics, tips, & pointers.

A Stripper Seeking Work & the Susan Block Show
Conservative Pop Music? The Top 40 of the Top 40

salon sex

david k
clean sheets
pursed lips
currently reading
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature
by Matt Ridley

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