safersex chronotope condomania johnthemaiden

Sunday, June 16, 2002
Durex has released a 49mm snugger fitting condom in the UK. This article says this condom is thinner than others currently available. I'm not sure if that is the case in the UK but in the United States you can buy the LifeStyle's Exotica which has the same dimensions. What's really needed is a size smaller than that, perhaps 47mm or 45mm. At what point does the need to give the big guys and the small guys a chance outweigh the condom manufacturers need to cover their nut when deciding how to size their condoms?

Or perhaps a better question is what's the right business model to make a profit and to make condoms to fit all sizes of guys?

6/16/02:11:46:45 PM PST    comment

Condoms with spermicidal lubricant may increase the risk of urinary tract infection for women.

6/16/02:10:53:52 PM PST    comment
Paulo Teixeira, the Brazilian health coordinator for AIDS, has written to the Big Brother house urging them to use condoms.

He wrote: "Why are you not using the condom? You are being watched by millions; you should set a good example and also take care of yourselves."

6/16/02:10:45:57 PM PST    comment

Interestingly enough in Teaching America About Sex: Marriages Guides and Sex Manuals from the Late Victorians to Dr. Ruth the index contains no references to either prophylactics or condoms. Pretty strange considering the subject matter. After I finish reading this I should contact the authors; Michael E. Melody & Linda M. Peterson to ask them why.

6/16/02:1:41:50 PM PST    comment

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- Gottfried Straube
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