Recently in Silly Stuff Category

Erect Archer

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Rex & Mimi

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This person's [jenjempa94] obsession with Rex and Mimi reminds me of Miranda's obsession with Jules & Mimi.


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Here's a fine young thing trying to speak:

Here's the ad in which he apparently failed to make the cut:

Serial Numbers?

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This is very cute: "Well, you guys are not rolling it back far enough to read it." Old joke to be sure, but a good one nevertheless.

Penis Envy

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Here's a cute little video commercial from Condomania.

We Can Do It!

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We're Here to Help

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Be Sociable, Have A Postinor

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She Got A Brazilian!

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Disney VD Attack Cartoon

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disneyvd.jpgJust in case you were wondering, the video of the Disney VD film from a few decades ago has been disappeared from the interwebs.

Perhaps Disney has pulled this one back because they intend to come out with a box set?

I'll Be Nude

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How about you?

Crouching Pussy

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Hidden Penis.

About this Archive

This page is a archive of recent entries in the Silly Stuff category.

SaferSex is the previous category.

Web/Tech is the next category.

Find recent content on the main index or look in the archives to find all content.

Art Condoms

  • Life Guard
  • Vulpture Inc.
  • Simpson's Condoms?
  • Condom Bindaas Bol
  • A Solution To Enrique's Tiny Problem

Condom Blog

  • Manglide or Astroglide?
  • "It's not size, it's what you do with it that matters," he said.
  • Baby Boomer Sex Survey
  • Men Needed for Research Study on Condom Use
  • Easter Treats

New Stuff

  • Excite Female Stimulating Gel
  • Pjur Analyse Me Comfort Spray
  • Pjur Superhero Performance Spray
  • Trojan Intense Ribbed Condoms
  • Pjur Med Clean Intimacy Spray

Recent Comments

lissa writes: Look I really do not agree with this site. You have no right to put people down like that. It really is not what you are doing. They ask for your advice so you give it to them in a nice friendly way, not by putting them down. Anyway just thought you would like to know. P.S. are you male or female and I love sex I also love threesomes if you are interested. love lissa

ScrewDriver writes: Filchy, Can you imagine ? SCOTLAND: AGE MATTERS, TOO Scientists working the ancient rocks of Scotland have discovered fossils of the oldest known genitals, belonging to a 400-million-year-old ancestor of the daddy long legs. The arachnids were of an order called harvestmen, and long legs were not their only outstanding feature. Preserved within the male fossil was a penis two-thirds the length of its body, which New Scientist magazine said was similar to those of modern-day harvestmen. The previous oldest penis, which dated back 100 million years and was found in Brazil, belonged to an ostracod, a minute crustacean. Something to think about, and wish for there go I! Regards SD ~<>~

Alexander Inglis writes: Christopher, hun! This is *just* a shameless plug for my blog ... and now I *have* added you, too. Big hugs! Alexander SensualPoet In Toronto

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