January 10, 2004

Just What Is Safer Sex?

What is safer sex anyway? We use the word safer because all sex can have consequences—from emotional consequences to diseases and pregnancy. If you decide to be sexually active, you owe it to yourself to learn about what behaviors are risky, and how much risk you want to take.

What is Safer Sex?

Check in here to learn about what is safer and what's riskier.

Plus how to talk to your partner about safer sex; AIDS-proofing

your kids. Safe S&M and more.

Is Oral Sex Safe?

Experts agree that oral sex is less risky than unprotected

vaginal or anal sex. But how safe is it really?

Can you get HIV from giving a guy a blowjob?

Women and Safer Sex

Women are one of the fastest-growing population with HIV, but

not much information has been written for or about them. Here

are some topics of special concern for women.

Multimedia Gallery

Posted by filchyboy at January 10, 2004 11:38 AM | TrackBack

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