June 30, 2003

Condom Manufacture

One thing I always find particularly amusing, and tragic, is how I am asked on a regular basis by female partners about when condoms will have been purchased based on their expiry.

Apparently these women's partners will have had some number of condoms stashed away. When discovered they will have some "story" about how these condoms came into their posession. Smelling a rat the women will contact me to see if they are being lied to.

Let me make this easy for you. "Yes."

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

George Orwell

single father.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Howard Dean

I just donated $25 to the Howard Dean campaign. I have been thinking of doing this for several weeks now. I have never ever donated any money to a political campaign. I feel hopeful that he is the guy who will take down the naked emperor.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

William Gibson

Any 'Mount Of World

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 27, 2003

Try Before You Sell

the ads really are not very intelligently placed. I just ran one for this site and it came back with several right wing ads for Hannity and such. Interesting idea and potentially useful to me. But it needs lots of work and maturing as a tool. Also the lack of control through CSS of the appearance of the ads is a definite deal killer for me. If I were to use it I'd have to filter the results for my own appearence requirements which would surely be forbidden by the license.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Answers Now on Distortion of Evidence

Dear friend,

The President took the nation to war based on his assertion that Iraq
posed an imminent threat to our country. Now the evidence that
backed that assertion is falling apart.

If the Bush administration distorted intelligence or knowingly used
false data to support the call to war, it would be an unprecedented
deception. Even if weapons are now found, it'll be difficult to
justify pre-war language that indicated that the exact location of the
weapons was known and that they were ready to deploy at a moment's
notice. With a crisis of credibility brewing abroad and the integrity
of our President and our foreign policy on the line, we need answers

Please join me now in asking Congress to establish an independent,
bipartisan commission to investigate the distortion of evidence.

A President may make no more important decision than whether or not to
take a country to war. If Bush and his officials deceived the
American public to create support for the Iraq war, they need to be
held accountable.


Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 26, 2003

SCOTUS Turns Nation Inside Out, Felching at 11

(UPI) June 26, San Antonio, Texas: In response to today's Supreme Court ruling declaring Texas' sodomy law unconstitutional, millions of American men burst forth from their homes into the nearest park, playground or public restroom and began legally buttfucking each other.

"I never did this before because it was illegal," panted 38-year-old IT specialist Drew Morecock between thrusts from a 49-year-old hirsute truck driver. "Here in Texas, we respect the law. I never even jacked off about a man until today. But once the Supreme Court—uuuungh—struck down our state's sodomy law, I didn't waste any time at all! UUUUNGH."

Percy Dovetonsils, a Baptist minister, said as he came up for air after deep-throating 27 men at a San Antonio gym, "If Scalia, Thomas and Rehnquist had gathered just two more votes, I certainly wouldn't have to have my stomach pumped like Rod Stewart. But since the Supreme Court has said yes to sodomy, how could I say no? Hey, you, traffic cop. Come here and plow my ass with your big black nightstick!"

Orlando Domingo, a 27-year-old hair stylist who no one ever suspect had gay urges, agreed. "While the sodomy law was in effect, it prevented me from even considering leaving my wife and two children for a splooge-soaked life at the local drag bar. But as soon as I get the plumber across the street to 'snake out my drainpipe,' if you know what I mean, I'm gonna slip my size-12 feet into the sweetest set of ruby red pumps you ever seen in your life. I'm just a bottle of peroxide away from turning into Jean Harlow! You know, I like the name 'Jean Harlot' even better."

Now that homosexuals will be free to engage in sweaty, spermy man-on-man sex in states where the law completely prevented it all these years, many other cultural changes are expected to develop. Auto repair employees will soon begin greeting each other with, "Oh, Mary!" Football players will continue to slap each other on their firm, round asses, but will follow that old ritual with deep kissing and armpit licking. Unisex toilets will become mandatory, where unsuspecting insurance salesmen will be forced into accepting the tongues of other men inside their virgin assholes until they beg, even plead, for hot, hungry cock. More cows will die to keep up with the surging demand in leather.

Of course the ruling also legalizes sex between women, but that's OK because it will be hot.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Postcards from the Bleeding Edge

It would be a far better world if more politicians spent more time pounding the flesh rather than pressing it. Every minute Clinton spent banging Monica Lewinski he wasn't screwing the rest of us or the world. Every time she knelt before that mighty cigar - she was a heroine.

Because - unlike most Americans - She could take everything a politician could put out - and swallow it!

Result - the greatest economic expansion ever - a massive decline in the murder rate - the biggest corporate party that anyone has ever attended - and something close to world peace was achieved.

Monica Lewinski deserves a frigging medal for all that.

After she stopped seeing the president, this country started going to hell.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Will the Real RSS Validator Please Stand Up?

Notice how Mark takes advantage of his own policy to draw attention to his own flame. Very fascinating the dynamic is which comes from these flame delimiters that Mark & Sam have introduced.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 24, 2003

Doc Searls Does Chris Who Does the Dial

I fear this is just wishful thinking. Pamphleteers and broadsheeters would be a much better example of a blog-like media from history. At least with them there is some sense of a link between event and time to publish which roughly echoes blogs.

I agree with the comments about Emerson but attempting to run a direct line of blog descendency from journals such as the Dial is just to try and shoehorn a completely unique and new way of publishing into a very old and well trod method. It might feel good but that doesn't mean it fits.

I'd be more interested in tracing the line of ideas which came from the Dial, Pound, Fluxus, etc., and how they inform the milieau of blogs. I don't think structural comparisons really work. Ideas, that's where the gold is to be found.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Anatomy of a Well Formed Log Entry

This is something I can support (easy since I don't write tools for the public) if it results in more interop. I'd like to be able to migrate my posts from tool to tool without penalty or hassle.

Considering the disrespect many of those involved show for each other I am not exactly convinced anything good will come of this though. It was nice to see this morning that Dave linked to Sam's efforts.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Social Software, Clay Shirkey

The second innovation is taxation, because the power to tax is the power to destroy. They get around the LambdaMOO/object overflow problem by taxing player built structures. In the beta world, this seems to have created an event-driven social scene, where several players created an unbelievably intricate wedding palace, down to designing the decoration on the cake, and then took it down before the tax bots swept through.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Dr. Elna McIntosh

does good job of highlighting some of the interesting & difficult aspects of being bisexual. Especially appealing is her breakdown of the various shades of bisexuality, as defined by J.R. Little.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The Eric Eldred Act


Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Clinton Administration Hunting Bin Laden at Handover, Bush Screws Pooch, 9/11

When President Bush took office in January 2001, the White House was told that Predator drones had recently spotted Osama bin Laden as many as three times and officials were urged to arm the unmanned planes with missiles to kill the al-Qaida leader.

But the administration failed to get drones back into the Afghan skies until after the September 11 attacks later that year, current and former U.S. officials say.

Top administration officials discussed the mission to kill bin Laden as late as one week before the suicide attacks on New York and Washington, but they had not yet resolved a debate over whether the CIA or Pentagon should operate the armed Predators and whether the missiles would be sufficiently lethal, officials told The Associated Press.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Liz Phair

Give me your hot white cum. Give me your hot white cum. Give me your hot white cum.

excellent album

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 23, 2003

Pepsi Advocates Something Better Than Masturbating

film at 11. (Wow the quality of this photoshop job is breathtaking.)

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Scott Rosenberg

makes some very astute points here. Especially the last one. I love my unix based Mac. I can't tell you how nice it is to have a command line to run my laptop. When I bought my first Powerbook in 1995 I had been doing a lot of work on Sun and it seemed such a comfortable way of working to do everything through the command line. I remember writing a note to myself to look for a laptop that had a command line. I never found one. But I remember rumors of Linux builds on partitions on others laptops. When I started using OS X it was like a dream come true.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Erotica L.A. 2003

IMG_0733.JPGSaturday I spent the day at Erotica Los Angeles. It was a lot of fun. By the time midnight arrived I was exhausted and glad to be out of there. The world of adult entertainment is a lot of fun to visit. I wouldn't want to live there though.

In heterosexual circles the ladies tend be needy, insane, or heavy drug users. (I'd love to meet one that isn't though) Not exactly the kind of healthy combination I need in my life. Some of those ladies are so beautiful though.

(I don't know why but when I first wrote the above paragraph I used the word girl. I had to go back and change it afterwards. It troubled me that I chose the word girls. But I have no problems with being considered one of the boys?)

We were set up in a booth right next to the Spearmint Rhino pole dancing setup. For several hours I got to watch the ladies dance on that pole. Some of them were amazingly proficient. Some were obviously just learning the skills needed to dance a good pole. (Not that I would know what it takes - some day I'll have to post my two poor experiences in strip clubs) I cam away from it with a new appreciation for the skills involved in pole dancing. I think over the next few weeks I'm going to try catching a few strip clubs to see what it is like (now that I have decided to become an officianado of pole dancing.)

One of the strange things I encountered at the show is the Rubher. This just strikes me as they most bizarre sexual device. It's essentially a complete groin condom. But it has these little nubs inside of it. You put lube inside it and apparently it can make for some "exciting" walking, working, etc.. If you couple this with dry humping with a partner it could be fun. Perhaps I'll test drive one.

I have in my hand a Consent Condom. It is really hard for me to believe anyone would ever buy one of these. "Honey I love you, but would you please put your thumb print on this pad to certify that you fully intend to fuck me." "But your honor, judge, of course I didn't rape her, see here's her thumbprint. She consented to rough sex. "

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 22, 2003

David Frum's

"Axis of Evil" speech may send more Americans to their early graves than anything said since the Civil War.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 21, 2003

Announcing the Launch of the Incest Project

Since I have the domain which returns the number one result for the key word 'sex' on Google and have had the site for a long time, five years now, I get an enormous amout of spam related to sex. I am currently receiving in eccess of 50k pieces of spam a month largely related to sex. One pernicious example of this category of spam are the incest stories.

Here's an example:

Dude I found my grandma on this site doing the nasty. I could not believe it. This is just insane man.
I think you should check it out and see if yours is on there too. She was getting down with some young dude.

I get a twinge every time I see one of these messages in my in-box.

We're having technical problems. Back soon.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The Safer Sex Page

is down for server maintenance. It should be back up soon. I about had a heart attack because I feared I had gone over my bandwidth usage limit again.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 20, 2003

Douglas Hofstadter

It occurs to me it is time to read pieces like Little Harmonic Labyrinth, Sonata for Unaccompanied Achilles, & Birthday Cantatatata... to K. I think she is of sufficient age. It could be a lot of fun if we listen to the appropriate Sonatas, learn about the myth of Achilles, the role of the turtle in the Greek myth, the role of the turtle in various creation stories, and really play up the stagingcraft of it she may really have fun and learn a bunch of stuff.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 19, 2003

Recently Changed Weblogs

It looks like the Salon Community server will hit a high water mark today.

UPDATE Apparently I have been confused for a while. I was under the impression the update list was a 24 hour gig. It is not. Since I originally made this post the bottom of the list has moved from 6 something in the morning to 8 something in the morning. It looks like it's a trailing 12 hour period of reporting. I'm not sure how to understand this. (I am reminded of this.)

The end result being that the "high water mark" bears more to do with a higher frequency of posting rather than a higher volume of posts per day.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Blogshares Update

Arthur Coddington, Diggidy Dank (Is he any relation to Mulch Diggums?), Nat, & Jase Wells are shareholders in filchyboy. Apparently this blog is a good investment as it's value has grown over 900% in the last month.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 18, 2003

I'm Nude Blogging Today

turn your head and cough.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Sound Advice from a Frustrated Doc

My Advice - Go private and waste your own money on something you are responsible for. Start reading my column to learn something about health issues, wear condoms, don't cheat on your girlfriend, and get a life.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

What Have You Been Doing Today?

I've been shooting my load?

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 17, 2003

Gay Marriage & Romantic Love

I can't help but wonder if anyone has ever written about how, if those against gay marriage continue to have their way, the "conservative" notion that gays are welcome to marriage all they want as long as they marry straights is tantamount to denying gays a marriage defined by "love".

As you may be aware long ago marriages were decided predominantly by familial political and/or fiduciary criteria. Eventually in Europe the notion of a romantic love was born. Today in most modern societies the notion of a marriage based upon love is considered to be normal. But not for gays; today, if a homosexual or lesbian choose to be married in most modern societies, they must marry for political or fiduciary criteria.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

You Know You Are in the Wrong Lane

when the car in front of you has a placard in the window that says "student driver" and the person driving is reading the instructions and attempting to set up his new cell phone.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Gus Black

does a great cover of Black Sabbath's 'Paranoid'.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Bushflash Animation

Good old fashioned propaganda!

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Orrin Hatch

achieves apogee.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 15, 2003

The Gay Agenda

Thanks for coming today, not that you had any choice. My name is Mr. Arthur, but you can call me Mr. Arthur. Today is your first day as officially gay, and I'm here to answer any questions you may have.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 14, 2003

Just to Give You Some Context

The national debt went up by 20 billion dollars yesterday.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Alison Reminds Me

how traumatic and life changing my time was. I don't recall most of the details as it was so long ago. But I'll never forget the chap who was a tremendous pool shark and a very very very rich boy. He was in over his head.

I was pissed and resentful the whole time because my situation was just so damn unjust. In the end I stole two books as my own petty revenge. I walked out with the Illustrated Man & the first Foundation book and my head held high. If they could probe my ass for fear of my mom slipping a file up there then I could damn well walk out of YDC with purloined literature.

To this day I am proud of that.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 12, 2003

Condoms for Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Prevention is the most effective strategy for controlling the spread of infectious diseases. Prevention through avoiding exposure is the best strategy for controlling the spread of sexually transmitted disease (STD). Behavior that eliminates or reduces the risk of one STD will likely reduce the risk of all STDs.

I'm finally getting resources back in place after the recent move to a new server. It looks like many of the documents are going to fall into a more standardized format. One of my biggest problems for quite a while now has been the trailing pile of documents I have in the archives which have yet to be updated to the new format. I have put a lot of work into designing a way to avoid this from now on. Today I bring you a document originally published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from March of 1998.

One thing I am finding is that I really need to be more proactive about caching copies of page which I link to. I am finding lots of resources have simply disappeared. Very sad.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Font Edit

I'm changing fonts around here. I have been running Verdana around here for quite a while. Almost 3 years now I think. After checking out Torrez' recent build I decided to make a change. I know Gill Sans doesn't look as sweet on Windows but I don't care really. I do this for me, not you.

Although it may not be obvious I get to blog and work on this stuff all day today. Yea!!!

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Which Reminds Me (Newly Digital)

I've been thinking about writing up my own piece for Newly Digital. The only problem is as far as I can tell is that since I don't run Moveable Type I don't have any method of pinging trackback. If you know of a way of doing it manually and would be willing to send me a link please do so. I'd really appreciate it.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Dave Pollard

has done some especially satisfying work here. He has managed to take the raw, very flawed, data contained in the reference stream on the salon blogs community server and cross index it with Technorati link data to get something actually very worthwhile and informative.

I'd like to see this automated so that it is always available. It would be a very nice addition to the toolset offered on the Salon server.

I linked to Dave's post and found it on Technorati just 7 minutes later. I know that Technorati reads the changes.xml file so it should be, at most, a very small lag between when I create the link and when it is recorded by Technorati. This reliance upon the changes file makes the ability to manage multiple changes files when looking at this type of data very important. Curious I checked and sure enough Technorati does read from multiple changes files as it matches Blogger's new changes files. I wonder if LiveJournal generates such a file? Obviously, looked at from my current vantage, it is in the best interest of LiveJournal, Greymatter, Moveable Type, and all the others to feed Google these files so any attempt, I'd wager, to knock Google off its ubiquity in search would have to incorporate this as well.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Doc's Other

joint, I never knew he had.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 11, 2003

Time Flies Dixie Chicks

Today I was looking at a Los Angeles Times story about the Dixie Chicks at the Grammy Awards in 1999. Things certainly have changed since then. Back then I didn't have much respect for them. I hadn't heard any of their music. (I never heard them until this neweswt album) My only media interaction with them at that point was a silly article in a Southwest Airlines in-flight magazine story about them. I was offended, in some fashion, by the way they dressed. It seemed so anti-country. Normally that would be a boon for me but, I guess, given that I don't generally like country music it just struck me as false. Considering how stylized and false country music is i guess it's understandable to have such a reaction. Of course now I realize that the Dixie Chicks are very accomplished and even inspiring. The Maines remark about Bush was definately a plus.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Time Flies Dixie Chicks

Today I was looking at a Los Angeles Times story about the Dixie Chicks at the Grammy Awards in 1999. Things certainly have changed since then. Back then I didn't have much respect for them. I hadn't heard any of their music. (I never heard them until this neweswt album) My only media interaction with them at that point was a silly article in a Southwest Airlines in-flight magazine story about them. I was offended, in some fashion, by the way they dressed. It seemed so anti-country. Normally that would be a boon for me but, I guess, given that I don't generally like country music it just struck me as false. Considering how stylized and false country music is i guess it's understandable to have such a reaction. Of course now I realize that the Dixie Chicks are very accomplished and even inspiring. The Maines remark about Bush was definately a plus.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 10, 2003

Hey Do You Have

any weapons of mass destruction? They appear to be missing.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Hey Do You Have

any weapons of mass destruction? They appear to be missing.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 09, 2003

4.24.2003 9:03 PM (I'm part of a coincidence)

This is one of the strangest coincidences I've ever seen.

It started with this thread about Madonna.

Which led to this comment by FilchyBoy.

Which led to this comment by ZenMasterThis.

Which led to this odd connection by BirdDog.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

4.24.2003 9:03 PM (I'm part of a coincidence)

This is one of the strangest coincidences I've ever seen.

It started with this thread about Madonna.

Which led to this comment by FilchyBoy.

Which led to this comment by ZenMasterThis.

Which led to this odd connection by BirdDog.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 08, 2003

Have I Mentioned Recently

Bush is a toad. A dangerously incompetent man whose most likeable qualities are his stunning arrogance. The man should be tried for high crimes against the United States of America, its citizens, and the citizens of Iraq. All of this must blow up in his face. He can't be allowed to shape our poliical life, this lier, this dog, must be kicked to the curb.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Have I Mentioned Recently

Bush is a toad. A dangerously incompetent man whose most likeable qualities are his stunning arrogance. The man should be tried for high crimes against the United States of America, its citizens, and the citizens of Iraq. All of this must blow up in his face. He can't be allowed to shape our poliical life, this lier, this dog, must be

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Have I Mentioned Recently

Bush is a toad. A dangerously incompetent man whose most likeable qualities are his stunning arrogance. The man should be tried for high crimes against the United States of America, its citizens, and the citizens of Iraq. All of this must blow up in his face. He can't be allowed to shape our poliical life, this lier, this dog, must be kicked to the curb.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Have I Mentioned Recently

Bush is a toad. A dangerously incompetent man whose most likeable qualities are his stunning arrogance. The man should be tried for high crimes against the United States of America, its citizens, and the citizens of Iraq. All of this must blow up in his face. He can't be allowed to shape our poliical life, this lier, this dog, must be kicked to the curb.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 07, 2003

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 05, 2003

Cartoonist Loses Job

& pisses off boss. Meanwhile href="http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-include-ramirez.ssipage"
>Michael Ramirez appears to be still, unfortunately, employed. Seriously Michael your cartoons sometimes just suck! You are supposed to skewer the powers that be, not tow the party line. Calling >Berkeley Breathed. This is just plain sad.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Morrissey On t.A.T.u

Word: Did you hear t.A.T.u.'s version of "How Soon Is Now?"

Morissey: Yes, it was magnificent. Absolutely. Again, I don't know much about them.

Word: They are teenage Russian lesbians.

Morissey: Well, aren't we all?

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

"To Perceive the Space Around Myself

I stretch my tongue up in the air. The muscle dries. A rigid cracking of my buds as I turn them into the hot wind. I do this without moving my head as the sockets holding my ears pinch when I tilt my chin. To my left the blurring roar of industrial strength forced air popping machines. They pop my environmentally safe packaging, again. I assume I will be shipped out soon.

"The screen in front of my eyes shows, with exquisite detail, the manners and torsions of my body. My visual world exists at the edges of my lashes. Screen at my command I examine my body to vilify these doubts which keep me awake. My eyelids have been removed. Through the screen I examine my world, the great canals and arid expanses of my body.

"With scarcely a moment of trepidation I rectify my response time to coincide with the sweep of the electron gun. Now that our periods have meshed I am aroused. Blood flows through my fingers as my nipples harden and touch the cold stainless steel plate. I feel the striations of steel grip the areola of my left breast. And I am suck."

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Cartoonist Loses Job

& pisses off boss. Meanwhile href="http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-include-ramirez.ssipage"
>Michael Ramirez appears to be still, unfortunately, employed. Seriously Michael your cartoons sometimes just suck! You are supposed to skewer the powers that be, not tow the party line. Calling >Berkeley Breathed. This is just plain sad.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Morrissey On t.A.T.u

Word: Did you hear t.A.T.u.'s version of "How Soon Is Now?"

Morissey: Yes, it was magnificent. Absolutely. Again, I don't know much about them.

Word: They are teenage Russian lesbians.

Morissey: Well, aren't we all?

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

"To Perceive the Space Around Myself

I stretch my tongue up in the air. The muscle dries. A rigid cracking of my buds as I turn them into the hot wind. I do this without moving my head as the sockets holding my ears pinch when I tilt my chin. To my left the blurring roar of industrial strength forced air popping machines. They pop my environmentally safe packaging, again. I assume I will be shipped out soon.

"The screen in front of my eyes shows, with exquisite detail, the manners and torsions of my body. My visual world exists at the edges of my lashes. Screen at my command I examine my body to vilify these doubts which keep me awake. My eyelids have been removed. Through the screen I examine my world, the great canals and arid expanses of my body.

"With scarcely a moment of trepidation I rectify my response time to coincide with the sweep of the electron gun. Now that our periods have meshed I am aroused. Blood flows through my fingers as my nipples harden and touch the cold stainless steel plate. I feel the striations of steel grip the areola of my left breast. And I am suck."

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Cartoonist Loses Job

& pisses off boss. Meanwhile href="http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-include-ramirez.ssipage"
>Michael Ramirez appears to be still, unfortunately, employed. Seriously Michael your cartoons sometimes just suck! You are supposed to skewer the powers that be, not tow the party line. Calling >Berkeley Breathed. This is just plain sad.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Morrissey On t.A.T.u

Word: Did you hear t.A.T.u.'s version of "How Soon Is Now?"

Morissey: Yes, it was magnificent. Absolutely. Again, I don't know much about them.

Word: They are teenage Russian lesbians.

Morissey: Well, aren't we all?

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

"To Perceive the Space Around Myself

I stretch my tongue up in the air. The muscle dries. A rigid cracking of my buds as I turn them into the hot wind. I do this without moving my head as the sockets holding my ears pinch when I tilt my chin. To my left the blurring roar of industrial strength forced air popping machines. They pop my environmentally safe packaging, again. I assume I will be shipped out soon.

"The screen in front of my eyes shows, with exquisite detail, the manners and torsions of my body. My visual world exists at the edges of my lashes. Screen at my command I examine my body to vilify these doubts which keep me awake. My eyelids have been removed. Through the screen I examine my world, the great canals and arid expanses of my body.

"With scarcely a moment of trepidation I rectify my response time to coincide with the sweep of the electron gun. Now that our periods have meshed I am aroused. Blood flows through my fingers as my nipples harden and touch the cold stainless steel plate. I feel the striations of steel grip the areola of my left breast. And I am suck."

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Cartoonist Loses Job

& pisses off boss. Meanwhile href="http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-include-ramirez.ssipage"
>Michael Ramirez appears to be still, unfortunately, employed. Seriously Michael your cartoons sometimes just suck! You are supposed to skewer the powers that be, not tow the party line. Calling >Berkeley Breathed. This is just plain sad.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Morrissey On t.A.T.u

Word: Did you hear t.A.T.u.'s version of "How Soon Is Now?"

Morissey: Yes, it was magnificent. Absolutely. Again, I don't know much about them.

Word: They are teenage Russian lesbians.

Morissey: Well, aren't we all?

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

"To Perceive the Space Around Myself

I stretch my tongue up in the air. The muscle dries. A rigid cracking of my buds as I turn them into the hot wind. I do this without moving my head as the sockets holding my ears pinch when I tilt my chin. To my left the blurring roar of industrial strength forced air popping machines. They pop my environmentally safe packaging, again. I assume I will be shipped out soon.

"The screen in front of my eyes shows, with exquisite detail, the manners and torsions of my body. My visual world exists at the edges of my lashes. Screen at my command I examine my body to vilify these doubts which keep me awake. My eyelids have been removed. Through the screen I examine my world, the great canals and arid expanses of my body.

"With scarcely a moment of trepidation I rectify my response time to coincide with the sweep of the electron gun. Now that our periods have meshed I am aroused. Blood flows through my fingers as my nipples harden and touch the cold stainless steel plate. I feel the striations of steel grip the areola of my left breast. And I am suck."

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 04, 2003

A Few Points About Condoms & Lubes

Condoms without spermicide have a 5 year window of freshness.

Lube is definitely not just lube. It greatly varies across product lines. One tip you may be interested in. If you are using a water based lubricant bring a small mister with you. Water based lube will dry up rather quickly with all the friction and heat. When it becomes tacky simply spray a bit of mist onto the body part where the lube is and it will instantly "revive" the lube. Never use an oil based lube with a latex condom. Silicone lubes are very very nice but hard to clean up and should never be used with silicone based sex toys.

Condoms are just like athletic shoes. They come in many different sizes and shapes and it is in your best interest to play around a bit to find the type that fits you best. Just as every foot is different so is every cock. Currently there are only 3 basic sizes for condoms but there is plenty of variations within those sizes both across style and across manufacturer.

There are a number of ways you can masturbate with a condom which are very very nice. I always recommend that the average fellow should learn how to masturbate with a condom by themselves as the experience will make their usage with a partner a much better experience.

And yes all men, period, should avoid coming into contact with spermicide. Bad stuff!

some answers to one of my readers...

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Recent Developments

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

A Few Points About Condoms & Lubes

Condoms without spermicide have a 5 year window of freshness.

Lube is definitely not just lube. It greatly varies across product lines. One tip you may be interested in. If you are using a water based lubricant bring a small mister with you. Water based lube will dry up rather quickly with all the friction and heat. When it becomes tacky simply spray a bit of mist onto the body part where the lube is and it will instantly "revive" the lube. Never use an oil based lube with a latex condom. Silicone lubes are very very nice but hard to clean up and should never be used with silicone based sex toys.

Condoms are just like athletic shoes. They come in many different sizes and shapes and it is in your best interest to play around a bit to find the type that fits you best. Just as every foot is different so is every cock. Currently there are only 3 basic sizes for condoms but there is plenty of variations within those sizes both across style and across manufacturer.

There are a number of ways you can masturbate with a condom which are very very nice. I always recommend that the average fellow should learn how to masturbate with a condom by themselves as the experience will make their usage with a partner a much better experience.

And yes all men, period, should avoid coming into contact with spermicide. Bad stuff!

some answers to one of my readers...

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Recent Developments

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

A Few Points About Condoms & Lubes

Condoms without spermicide have a 5 year window of freshness.

Lube is definitely not just lube. It greatly varies across product lines. One tip you may be interested in. If you are using a water based lubricant bring a small mister with you. Water based lube will dry up rather quickly with all the friction and heat. When it becomes tacky simply spray a bit of mist onto the body part where the lube is and it will instantly "revive" the lube. Never use an oil based lube with a latex condom. Silicone lubes are very very nice but hard to clean up and should never be used with silicone based sex toys.

Condoms are just like athletic shoes. They come in many different sizes and shapes and it is in your best interest to play around a bit to find the type that fits you best. Just as every foot is different so is every cock. Currently there are only 3 basic sizes for condoms but there is plenty of variations within those sizes both across style and across manufacturer.

There are a number of ways you can masturbate with a condom which are very very nice. I always recommend that the average fellow should learn how to masturbate with a condom by themselves as the experience will make their usage with a partner a much better experience.

And yes all men, period, should avoid coming into contact with spermicide. Bad stuff!

some answers to one of my readers...

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Recent Developments

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

A Few Points About Condoms & Lubes

Condoms without spermicide have a 5 year window of freshness.

Lube is definitely not just lube. It greatly varies across product lines. One tip you may be interested in. If you are using a water based lubricant bring a small mister with you. Water based lube will dry up rather quickly with all the friction and heat. When it becomes tacky simply spray a bit of mist onto the body part where the lube is and it will instantly "revive" the lube. Never use an oil based lube with a latex condom. Silicone lubes are very very nice but hard to clean up and should never be used with silicone based sex toys.

Condoms are just like athletic shoes. They come in many different sizes and shapes and it is in your best interest to play around a bit to find the type that fits you best. Just as every foot is different so is every cock. Currently there are only 3 basic sizes for condoms but there is plenty of variations within those sizes both across style and across manufacturer.

There are a number of ways you can masturbate with a condom which are very very nice. I always recommend that the average fellow should learn how to masturbate with a condom by themselves as the experience will make their usage with a partner a much better experience.

And yes all men, period, should avoid coming into contact with spermicide. Bad stuff!

some answers to one of my readers...

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Recent Developments

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 03, 2003

When Attempting to Purchase Using Stolen Credit Cards

it is probably wise not to use your actual name and address as the shipto for your order. Sssssshhhhh! Someone might figure out you are scummy.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

When Attempting to Purchase Using Stolen Credit Cards

it is probably wise not to use your actual name and address as the shipto for your order. Sssssshhhhh! Someone might figure out you are scummy.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 02, 2003

Obviously This Man Should Run

for the Presidency of Iraq. I have no doubt that our pseudo-potus will be more than happy to reward this man for his loyalty in the face of absurdity.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

How Others Deal With Sex Issues

The California-based Centre for Aids Prevention Studies (CAPS) estimates that over 300 schools in the state make condoms available on their campuses.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Why Am I Showing You My Bathing Suit?


more on this later...

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The First Mammogram is the Worst.

Especially when the machine catches on fire.

That's what happened to me. The technician, Gail, positioned me exactly as she wanted me (think a really complicated game of Twister - right hand on the blue, left shoulder on the yellow, right breast as far away as humanly possible from the rest of your body). Then she clamped the machine down so tight, I think my breast actually turned inside out. I'm pretty sure Victoria's Secret doesn't have a bra for that.

Suddenly, there was a loud popping noise. I looked down at my right breast to make sure it hadn't exploded. Nope, it was still flat as a pancake and still attached to my body.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The Lady Was a Spy

Julia Child helped design shark repellent during WWII. Who knew? 200 hundred years from now will we speak of her cooking or her shark repellent?

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Vocal Gay Republicans Upsetting Conservatives

But the current tension between gays and conservatives illustrates the risks of that strategy, suggesting that the two main tenets of Mr. Bush's brand of Republicanism - the "big tent" philosophy and the "family values" agenda - may be on a collision course, just in time for the 2004 election campaign.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Obviously This Man Should Run

for the Presidency of Iraq. I have no doubt that our pseudo-potus will be more than happy to reward this man for his loyalty in the face of absurdity.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

How Others Deal With Sex Issues

The California-based Centre for Aids Prevention Studies (CAPS) estimates that over 300 schools in the state make condoms available on their campuses.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Why Am I Showing You My Bathing Suit?


more on this later...

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The First Mammogram is the Worst.

Especially when the machine catches on fire.

That's what happened to me. The technician, Gail, positioned me exactly as she wanted me (think a really complicated game of Twister - right hand on the blue, left shoulder on the yellow, right breast as far away as humanly possible from the rest of your body). Then she clamped the machine down so tight, I think my breast actually turned inside out. I'm pretty sure Victoria's Secret doesn't have a bra for that.

Suddenly, there was a loud popping noise. I looked down at my right breast to make sure it hadn't exploded. Nope, it was still flat as a pancake and still attached to my body.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The Lady Was a Spy

Julia Child helped design shark repellent during WWII. Who knew? 200 hundred years from now will we speak of her cooking or her shark repellent?

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Vocal Gay Republicans Upsetting Conservatives

But the current tension between gays and conservatives illustrates the risks of that strategy, suggesting that the two main tenets of Mr. Bush's brand of Republicanism - the "big tent" philosophy and the "family values" agenda - may be on a collision course, just in time for the 2004 election campaign.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

June 01, 2003

Six Feet Under

is so fucking amazing!

Today my cable was turned off because I haven't paid the bill. I have been debating whether to give up the cable. Tonight I am crying as Peter Krause knocks on the door.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The Fog

defines this place. I love it. It rolls in at night, hugs the city, and on the patio I sit breathing in the ocean. The city lights warm the air. Squealing tires simply melt among the night like a horn fading at the end of a movement.

Can you name the piece?

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

This morning I found a message from one of our members.

Apparently this guy had attempted to unsubscribe from the group but was unable to. It looks to me like he has multiple email addresses and is not quite clear on which address he is subscribed. I told him that his address, which he sent me a message from, was not subscribed to the group so I could not take him off the list. I pointed out to him that unsubscribe messages are at the bottom of each email he receives from the list. To which he replied:

"You are really one stupid hipocritical idiotic stupid son of a bitch. I sincerely hope that whatever befalls you in the next ten years levels your sanctimonious attitude."

Which is no doubt true but really didn't help him get any closer to unsubscribing.

The reason I am posting this here is for a couple of reasons:

1. At the bottom of each email you receive from the list are instructions on how to remove yourself from the list. This should handle the problem most every time. However everyone should be aware that if they manage multiple email addresses and have some kind of forward or alias going on then the email in which they send and the email in which they receive may not sync up. If they don't then you may have trouble unsubbing. Before you approach me about unsubbing you are probably best served by reading the message at the bottom of your mail and checking to make sure that your return address in your email client syncs with that. If it does you'll have smooth sailing but if it doesn't then all you have to do is make them sync and you can remove yourself without a problem.

2. Noone should make it a habit of verbally assaulting your local sysadmin. I have no desire to exact vengeance for this type ignorance but I have met a few sysadmins who, well to be blunt, you wouldn't in a million years want to piss off. Whether it's your judge in divorce court, the cop stopping you for speeding, or your local sysadmin there are certain situations where it just does not pay to call someone names. This might be one of those.

Hope this helps.


Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Six Feet Under

is so fucking amazing!

Today my cable was turned off because I haven't paid the bill. I have been debating whether to give up the cable. Tonight I am crying as Peter Krause knocks on the door.

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The Fog

defines this place. I love it. It rolls in at night, hugs the city, and on the patio I sit breathing in the ocean. The city lights warm the air. Squealing tires simply melt among the night like a horn fading at the end of a movement.

Can you name the piece?

Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

This morning I found a message from one of our members.

Apparently this guy had attempted to unsubscribe from the group but was unable to. It looks to me like he has multiple email addresses and is not quite clear on which address he is subscribed. I told him that his address, which he sent me a message from, was not subscribed to the group so I could not take him off the list. I pointed out to him that unsubscribe messages are at the bottom of each email he receives from the list. To which he replied:

"You are really one stupid hipocritical idiotic stupid son of a bitch. I sincerely hope that whatever befalls you in the next ten years levels your sanctimonious attitude."

Which is no doubt true but really didn't help him get any closer to unsubscribing.

The reason I am posting this here is for a couple of reasons:

1. At the bottom of each email you receive from the list are instructions on how to remove yourself from the list. This should handle the problem most every time. However everyone should be aware that if they manage multiple email addresses and have some kind of forward or alias going on then the email in which they send and the email in which they receive may not sync up. If they don't then you may have trouble unsubbing. Before you approach me about unsubbing you are probably best served by reading the message at the bottom of your mail and checking to make sure that your return address in your email client syncs with that. If it does you'll have smooth sailing but if it doesn't then all you have to do is make them sync and you can remove yourself without a problem.

2. Noone should make it a habit of verbally assaulting your local sysadmin. I have no desire to exact vengeance for this type ignorance but I have met a few sysadmins who, well to be blunt, you wouldn't in a million years want to piss off. Whether it's your judge in divorce court, the cop stopping you for speeding, or your local sysadmin there are certain situations where it just does not pay to call someone names. This might be one of those.

Hope this helps.


Posted by filchyboy at 12:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack