June 21, 2003

Announcing the Launch of the Incest Project

Since I have the domain which returns the number one result for the key word 'sex' on Google and have had the site for a long time, five years now, I get an enormous amout of spam related to sex. I am currently receiving in eccess of 50k pieces of spam a month largely related to sex. One pernicious example of this category of spam are the incest stories.

Here's an example:

Dude I found my grandma on this site doing the nasty. I could not believe it. This is just insane man.
I think you should check it out and see if yours is on there too. She was getting down with some young dude.

I get a twinge every time I see one of these messages in my in-box.

We're having technical problems. Back soon.

Posted by filchyboy at June 21, 2003 12:00 AM | TrackBack

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