March 13, 2003

Moving the Dead for Cheap Political Gain

Frustrated by France's refusal to support a war with Iraq, U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite proposes bringing the remains of American veterans buried in France back to the United States.

If the country that U.S. troops helped liberate during World War II won't support American military plans, then Brown-Waite proposes bringing the remains of those troops home for the families that request it.

"France has consistently turned its back on the United States," said Brown-Waite, R- Brooksville. "They forget if it weren't for America, they would be speaking German today."

More than 74,000 U.S. servicemen and women from World War I and World War II are buried in American cemeteries in France and Belgium, according to the American Battle Monuments Commission.

If I had someone buried over there, I don't as all my family in WWII came home afterwards, I would be royally offended by this suggestion. As it is, I am royally offended by this suggestion.

Posted by filchyboy at March 13, 2003 12:00 AM | TrackBack

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