July 19, 2002

Gay Officials in the Bush Administration

Just a few days after Scott Evertz, the Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy, is reported to have acknowledged, in reference to US AIDS policies, "I think there is a sense that our feet are being held to the fire, and they should be" the Bush administration is moving one gay bureacrat from the HHS office of HIV and AIDS policy to replace the current gay AIDS czar, Evertz. Some [I've lost the link] are saying this is a political move based on Scott Evertz's stand on condom usage.

Considering that AIDS is increasingly a women's disease I find it interesting that the Bush administration is filling these spots with gay men. I wonder if this is the carrot to gay organizations and voters for past idiotic Republican stances on homosexuality? Or is it a jab to the chin for the social conservatives to keep the middle in Bush's camp? Maybe these guys are the best for the job and their gayness has nothing to do with their appointments?

Any situation involving both sexually transmitted diseases and politics is bound to be highly interpretative.

Posted by filchyboy at July 19, 2002 10:59 PM | TrackBack

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