Bi Married Men of America

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Directory of Some of our BMMA Brothers

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our members 

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dealing with issues of spirituality 
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BMMA Chat Room

Besides posting to the email list, BMMA men often like to chat in real-time. Sometimes we post scheduled chat sessions on the list, and sometimes we head to the BMMA chat room spontainiously and hope to find someone with whom we can talk. Another option is to invite one or more buddies to join you there at a mutually convenient time. Once in the chat room, you always have the option of going into a private chat session. Our chat room is hosted by There are many interesting chat rooms there, listed by geography and interest. Enjoy exploring them, but come back to BMMA sooner or later!

When you click on the button above you will find yourself in the chat entry screen, set to the BMMA Room. Type in your name or screen name where indicated. (We suggest you use the name you use on BMMA so others will recognize you.) Then enter a brief profile which can include your location, and other information. Then just click on the "Enter Room" button.

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