February 17, 2003

bluishorange - such a beautiful writer

no, i'm interested in her.  i'm interested in who she was underneath mrs. jackson pollock, underneath the woman who was in some ways willing to put aside parts of herself for someone else.  i'm interested in what it was like to be married to a man more successful than you at your own life's work.  most specifically, i'm interested in how she might have felt after he died, as she was managing his estate.  i picture her going back to the house where they lived, walking up the stairs and sitting down on that bed to sift through his personal things, deciding what to keep and what to give away.  i picture her in the studio, looking at his paintings, making piles of work to sell work not to sell.  i imagine she must have thought about the car accident, about his mistress in the seat next to him.  was she sad?  wistful? angry?  relieved?

Posted by filchyboy at February 17, 2003 12:00 AM | TrackBack

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