November 16, 2003

Chasing Arnold

In what appears to be my first scoop I can share with you the following: Apparently on Monday November 17, 2003 a law suit will be filed against California Governor-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger for something related to his sexual mis-conduct with women. An attempt will be made to serve Arnold his summons related to the case at his inaugural ceremony which will be an invite only affair on the steps of the capital in Sacramento. Since the 8000 or so guests involved in the ceremony will have been vetted beforehand by the soon-to-be Governor's team, look for the summons to be delivered by a member of government (California Attorney General Bill Lockyer?), or a member of some law enforcement agency (off-duty federal marshall?), who will have greater access to the event & Mr. Schwarzenegger than process servers.

Over the past several weeks the media, the Governor-elects team, and other parties (presumably involved in this lawsuit), have been going through public arrest records of prostitutes and their johns in the Los Angeles area, to find what exactly I don't know yet. MSNBC apparently is working on this story right now and will be releasing pieces pertaining to this sometime within the next few days, if not earlier. If this all breaks on Monday like it looks to do the day should prove to be very interesting.

UPDATE Political town: Here's an update on the inaugural for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Nov. 17 inaugural won't be an inaugural. Arnold dislikes the word. "It will be a swearing in, that's all," said a Schwarzenegger operative. "And there won't be any lavish parties. The event will be very low-keyed. There's serious work to be done. This isn't a celebration." Arnold may have been rowdy on movie sets, but he's all business in Sacramento....- R.E. Graswich

UPDATE I haven't found anything on any summons during the "swearing in" but it looks as though my information is now being echoed by the press. Here's a piece on NewsMax concerning the lawsuit soon to be filed. It looks as though this was published before my post although I had not seen it.

Posted by filchyboy at November 16, 2003 01:10 PM | TrackBack


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