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Saturday, February 22, 2003
Lingam Gnosis The Ancient Art of Penis Reading.
  1. Part 1, in which Yoni Passionata writes that everything you need to know about your man is written on his cock.
  2. Part 2, in which she writes about guys like Chad from Miami: the shape, color, bend and tight testicles here all scream air penis. Its long smooth head suggests an intelligent, imaginative lover...nostalgia and memories of childhood probably play an important role in the fantasy life and love-play of the owner of this reflective, backwards looking penis. This is further underlined by the two swellings under the base of the shaft, as these often represent deep-seated drives and desires that have their roots in the past

Did you catch all that? Can you say phrenology? I thought you could.

2/22/03:1:54:14 PM PST    comment

Russia Faces Abortion's Complications. Russian health specialists call women like Esipova one of the more lasting legacies of a Soviet health system that for decades viewed abortion as the main form of birth control. According to Vladimir Serov, chief gynecologist at the Health Ministry, abortions are one of the primary causes of infertility in a country that is desperate to raise a plummeting birth rate.

2/22/03:12:54:17 AM PST    comment

Tuesday, February 18, 2003
I prefer Russian Vodka?

2/18/03:1:54:11 PM PST    comment
Okay so today I completed the ticket give away. Due to my extreme misfortune at not being in New York City this weekend I was unable to attend the opening party for "He Loves Me He Loves Me Not." But fortunately I was able to send Geoff and his Date from Beautiful Downtown Jersey City & Meg and her Date from Wonderful Minnesota to the event. Let's hope they all had a good time!

If not, well damn, don't blame me. I wasn't even there.

2/18/03:1:54:10 PM PST    comment

Sunday, February 16, 2003
So I found reversible. I added sex as a category. Clicked through. Thought about this a bit. Decided to place filchyboy as a sub to sex. Clicked through. Found SexBlogs. (Wow - very cool!) What a surprise. The tree is building itself by my simple bootstrap of adding a category. This reversible is cool. So I thought about it some more. Decided to add a channel I normally write in: condoms and when I had clicked through I found that not 10 minutes from the original link into reversible is a referer from Young Teen Sex Porn XXX TGP - Quality Thumbnail Gallery Post - Free XXX Adult Pictures & Movies Updated Daily [Click that link if you desire porn pop-ups a plenty]

2/16/03:1:32:36 PM PST    comment

Saturday, February 15, 2003
Crosstalker Is Now Mr. Condom
Somehow I don't see a Governor putting his mug on a condom package. Well perhaps Jess Ventura, no wait it's too late for that. I think even better would be Bush. Oh wait, I hear Photoshop calling.

2/15/03:6:43:39 PM PST    comment

Thursday, February 13, 2003
Yes it's true, this here site was ignored in The Nude Bloggies. But that's okay. We're not miffed. But we are currently sitting at our desk being nude in protest. You can see me posing right here pouring out my vinaigrette. Well, maybe next year.

In the meantime I want to bring your attention to the wonderful photography of our in house maestro Gottfried Straub who several years ago gave The Safer Sex Page permission to use his wonderful nudes as the in-house images for all things related to safer sexual health. The three images: showing a couple expecting a child and then two images of the individuals are, around here, the epitomy of what it means to be nude on the net.

So until next year go vote for the Nude Bloggie of your choice. We already voted: Susannah and GnomeGirl. Too bad Jim wasn't nominated either. I sure would have voted for him!

2/13/03:3:54:24 PM PST    comment

The reason why I think it's important for liberals not to take the libertarian line on this issue is that libertarian-style arguments tend to obscure the extent to which real progress on something like gay rights is going to require something other than gay rights legislation, namely action in the social sphere designed to convince people of the substantive view that homosexuality is not wrong. It's the kind of issue where changing the popular culture to give more positive portrayals of gay people (something that has, I think, happened over the past fifteen years) will probably accomplish more than legislative action aimed at ending discrimination. That's not to say that I wouldn't support anti-discrimination legislation, but merely to point out that such legislation would neither really solve the problem (which is dislike of gays) and that gaining support for legislative action will require a pre-existing majority of pro-gay voters that's going to have to be created on the society side of the state-society divide.

2/13/03:12:54:09 PM PST    comment

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s a f e r s e x . o r g - an online journal of safer sex
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- Gottfried Straube
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