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Sunday, August 17, 2003
A lot of diversity in sexuality was covered quite admirably by Oiliva Judson in her book Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation as she takes on describing much of current knowledge in evolutionary biology. The University of California Press is set to release soon a book called Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and People by Joan Roughgarden. In this book she is apparently taking on Darwin and his writings on sex and sexuality. With the spate of recent movement on this topic I am looking forward to Roughgarden's book. I don't know why but it seems completely appropriate for this latest round of seeking out the role of homsexuality in nature would arise from lesbian Japanese monkeys.

Among the titles to be added to my reading list include:

  • Bruce Bagemihl: Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity
  • Joan Roughgarden: Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and People
  • Leonard Shlain: Sex, Time, and Power: How Women's Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution

    UPDATE Bonus link: Paul Vasey's Mate Competition Survey

    8/17/03:1:42:44 PM PST    comment

  • Sunday, July 27, 2003
    My name is Amy Peebles, and I am a doctoral candidate in linguistics at the University of Texas at Austin. My dissertation deals with language and identity issues related to sexuality and spirituality. More specifically, I am collecting the life stories of people who have at one time attempted to change their understanding of their sexual identity due to a perceived conflict with their Christian faith, most likely through participation in an ex-gay ministry.

    In this project, which is supported by the Social Science Research Council's Sexuality Fellowship program, I am attempting to make sure everyone's voice is heard on this controversial issue. Thus, I am researching both ex-gays and ex-ex-gays, and I am now looking for people who have accepted their identity as gay or lesbian and now feel that the change they once attempted is not possible, not necessary, or both. If your life journey would fall along these lines, and you would be willing to participate in this research through a one-time "telling of your story" and interview, please .

    All interviews are strictly confidential.

    BONUS LINK God Made Him That Way, Sent Him My Way, So I Could Find My Way

    7/27/03:11:58:04 AM PST    comment

    Sunday, July 13, 2003
    cannot get laid.

    7/13/03:2:30:15 PM PST    comment

    Monday, July 7, 2003
    [email protected] has been deprecated for 6 years. I do not spam people nor do I ever use that address for any purpose whatsoever. So if you are somehow stung by what appears to be a huge spam attack by some folks called Max-Girth who simply want to enlarge your penis, well I am sorry but I have nothing to do with it and there is nothing whatsoever I can do to stop it.

    And no my penis is quite large enough, thanks!

    7/7/03:3:06:14 PM PST    comment

    Wednesday, July 2, 2003
    Breast Reduction Surgery
    breastreduction.jpgdebbie.jpgDebbie, to the left, is featured on a website which allows those seeking breast reduction surgery to find a local surgeon. I would think the lady to the right would be a better model for such a firm. Or is Debbie supposed to be the "after" of the equation? Why is it that advertisers always choose beautiful & symmetrical women to portray those who are not quite so beautiful or symmetrical?

    7/2/03:10:37:20 PM PST    comment

    Monday, June 30, 2003
    One thing I always find particularly amusing, and tragic, is how I am asked on a regular basis by female partners about when condoms will have been purchased based on their expiry.

    Apparently these women's partners will have had some number of condoms stashed away. When discovered they will have some "story" about how these condoms came into their posession. Smelling a rat the women will contact me to see if they are being lied to.

    Let me make this easy for you. "Yes."

    6/30/03:9:43:45 AM PST    comment

    Thursday, June 26, 2003
    It would be a far better world if more politicians spent more time pounding the flesh rather than pressing it. Every minute Clinton spent banging Monica Lewinski he wasn't screwing the rest of us or the world. Every time she knelt before that mighty cigar - she was a heroine.

    Because - unlike most Americans - She could take everything a politician could put out - and swallow it!

    Result - the greatest economic expansion ever - a massive decline in the murder rate - the biggest corporate party that anyone has ever attended - and something close to world peace was achieved.

    Monica Lewinski deserves a frigging medal for all that.

    After she stopped seeing the president, this country started going to hell.

    6/26/03:10:28:59 PM PST    comment

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