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Friday, May 30, 2003
Chris is such a girlie man! Or is that girly man? What would you like to see written on Chris' chest?

5/30/03:9:45:07 PM PST    comment
The poll for FQ, the nation's first magazine for fathers, found that almost 40 percent of women would have sex on the first date on account of the man revealing his love for his children in conversation.

hhhhhmmmmm...this certainly hasn't been my experience. I'd think "run for the hills" is more accurate.

Interestingly enough shortly after I posted this I was told by a young lady I recently met that a single dad is a plus in her book. I'm not holding my breath. But it is nice she told me that. I can't begin to tell you how often they simply run for the door after the realize their visions of a white picket fence and 2.5 kids may be a bit more complicated than their daydreams.

5/30/03:12:18:05 PM PST    comment

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- Gottfried Straube
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