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Monday, February 10, 2003
Gel Protects Monkeys from AIDS Virus
This is exciting stuff. To be sure we have many years of hard work before microbicides enter common use but they seem to hold great promise in relieving a great deal of pain, trauma, & death from sexually transmitted infections.

There's more here & here.

2/10/03:11:13:02 PM PST    comment

Mysterious Package of Porn for Ashcroft
This is just too sweet! I would love to see a big ole pile of porn being blown up by the Nation's Finest. Unfortunately the devil didn't make me do it! I can just hear old John coming home to the Missus, "Boy I just missed taking big one today hon. But don't worry we're gonna track down those immoral rascals and their porn o' plenty!"

2/10/03:3:07:57 PM PST    comment
I have been putting a lot of effort into repairing and expanding the infrastructure around here over the last few months. Apparently it is paying off in the number of visitors. Over the last month readership has been on target to hit 2.8 million visitors in the next year. I'm going to one day soon finish my application for maintaining this number but damn what an increase. It seems like, if my math is not too far off, that over the last 6 months I have managed to add another 2,500 visitors per day. Damn!

2/10/03:9:47:59 AM PST    comment

s a f e r s e x . o r g - an online journal of safer sex
Gottfried Straube
- Gottfried Straube
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