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Saturday, February 8, 2003
Teacher Fired After Condom Demonstration
"It's those kinds of demonstrations that we don't want in our schools," school superintendent Dan White said.

2/8/03:12:54:25 AM PST    comment
is on Larry King. In answer to a question "With September 11th and terrorist alerts how do we talk to our kids about this without frightening them further?" he says that kids will find strength in the parent's strength. He says that we, as parents need to show the kids that we trust the government to take care of us, and we trust in God.

Unfortunately trusting in yourself, or your neighbor or peer, is not on the good Doctor's list. Notice who comes first: government.

Then later he says that a good book for preventing homosexuality is A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality. I'm betting he thinks the government should have a role in Preventing Homosexuality?.

2/8/03:12:54:22 AM PST    comment

s a f e r s e x . o r g - an online journal of safer sex
Gottfried Straube
- Gottfried Straube
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