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Tuesday, February 4, 2003
Anatomy of a Smear: How 'Gay' Activists, the Media and the White House Shredded Jerry Thacker
Christian leaders cannot stay silent while a lavender curtain of bigotry falls over the nation, courtesy of 'gay' activists, their media supporters, and pro-homosexual forces in the Republican Party."


2/4/03:11:17:18 PM PST    comment

On Television, Safer Sex - And More Of It
Yes, there's more sex than there used to be on TV shows that teenagers watch, but it's a new kind of sex -- it is safer sex, with more mentions of consequences and abstinence, and more relationship sex, as opposed to one-night stands.

2/4/03:11:02:24 PM PST    comment
Chopped Up Hookers
His eldest son, Uday, is in charge of a secret police agency that keeps people on their best behavior so Baghdad is not a good place for prostitutes. Now and then the public gets to watch while hookers are killed in the town square. The woman of vice kneels down and her head is lopped off with a sword. I would guess the issue of distributing condoms to working girls is a moot point in Iraq.

2/4/03:10:51:38 PM PST    comment
U.S. FUNDS TO FIGHT AIDS: Drugs, condoms in $15-billion grant
President George W. Bush's $15-billion commitment to AIDS relief in Africa will include condom distribution and generic AIDS drugs, administration officials said Wednesday, bucking abstinence-advocating conservatives and brand-name pharmaceutical giants.

2/4/03:10:41:07 PM PST    comment

s a f e r s e x . o r g - an online journal of safer sex
Gottfried Straube
- Gottfried Straube
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an online journal of safer sexuality
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How To Put On A Condom
How To Use
A Condom

...mechanics, tips, & pointers.

A Stripper Seeking Work & the Susan Block Show
Conservative Pop Music? The Top 40 of the Top 40

salon sex

david k
clean sheets
pursed lips
currently reading
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature
by Matt Ridley

Planned Parenthood

s a f e r s e x . o r g - an online journal of safer sex
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