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Saturday, January 25, 2003
Alicia Sindel
gives a road map of female gential mutilation on the web.

1/25/03:11:17:32 PM PST    comment
Boys Will Be Boys - Gender Identity Issues
I have been asked to offer some comments on gender identity issues as these impact on Muslims living in post-traditional contexts in the West, and particularly as they affect people who have traded up to the Great Covenant of Islam after an upbringing in Judaism or Christianity.

Mr. Murad may have something of interest to say about boys and the work of Germaine Greer but to be honest I don't care. I take with grains of salt those who identify as Christians or Jews if they conjoin that with the truth or accuracy of their opinion. Mr. Murad has done that here and yet also had the temerity to say "trade-up?"

I wonder, does this religion come with an arrogance quotient?

1/25/03:11:08:03 PM PST    comment

Islam, Irigaray, and the Retrieval of Gender
Islamic theology confronts us with the spectacular absence of a gendered Godhead. A theology which reveals the divine through incarnation in a body also locates it in a gender, and inescapably passes judgement on the other sex. A theology which locates it in a book makes no judgement about gender; since books are unsexed. The divine remains divine, that is, genderless, even when expressed in a fully saving way on earth.

1/25/03:10:53:49 PM PST    comment
Male Genital Aesthetics and Their Relation to Lipodermos, Circumcision, Foreskin Restoration, and the Kynodesme

It is a biological norm in Homo sapiens that, in youth, that part of the penis known as the prepuce often runs to impressive lengths, frequently representing more than three-quarters of the length of the penis. This anatomical fact is not without its cultural or artistic consequences.

1/25/03:10:44:20 PM PST    comment

How To Be a Porn Star
One smartass writer's attempt to make hay out of porn & the dot com implosion. Banal.

Still though it does have a few insights into the life of porn actors. For example, bring your own prophylactics. Don't hold everyone on the set up because you don't like the brand or type of condom offered. Bring your own by gum!

Sounds like a class I would be sure to love.

1/25/03:10:35:53 PM PST    comment

A Serious Misunderstanding
A 14-year-old Karpurthala City, India boy permanently lost part of his penis after three girls invited him to join them for sex and one of them bit off the end. Police said the young girls misunderstood the moves they'd seen on a porno film.

1/25/03:12:58:31 AM PST    comment

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