safersex chronotope condomania johnthemaiden

Tuesday, September 24, 2002
Ian Philips has written a lovely tale about being Foucault's bitch. A local cowgirl does good. GI Joe infiltrates an Al Queda sex ring and rescues all the camels!

But seriously, what are the sexual habits of the Islamic Fundamentalist? Nawal El Saadawi seems to think that for any type of fundamentalist religion women are like canaries in the coal mine for the dangers to follow. Female genital mutilation would certainly seem to be a pretty good pointer to get out of the mine, if you ask me.

She points out the hypocrisy of the "post-modern veil" and politicians who criticize the Moslem notion of propiety without acknowledging the West's notions of female attire is similarly veiled. I'll grant her that. But, I'd rather wear some smart eyeliner than a head full of burka.

I wonder if the propensity of Western couples to have the man drive is anything like the Saudi propensity to disallow women from driving, only with a Western middle class less restrictive enforcement policy?

Do the spinsters in Saudi Arabia have sex? And how? And with whom?

Why are sexual minorities in 26 Middle Eastern Countries outlawed?

9/24/02:12:40:04 AM PST    comment

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