AIDS INFORMATION NEWSLETTER Michael Howe, MSLS, Editor AIDS Information Center VA Medical Center, San Francisco (415) 221-4810 ext 3305 January 17, 1992 In the 13 December Newsletter, it was announced that on December 6, 1991, each facility received an allocation of $500- $2,000 in funds labeled "HIV/AIDS PREVENTION AND COUNSELING." These funds, allocated by VACO AIDS Service and based on the number of AIDS cases reported by the facility, are to be used for AIDS prevention and counseling publications and pamphlets. This allocation was made in accordance with an information and training mandate in Public Law 100-322 which requires the periodic dissemination of publications on the prevention and transmission of HIV/AIDS. Publications and pamphlets should be available for both patient and personnel education purposes. Placement of educational pamphlets in patient waiting areas and dayrooms and the use of publications in the counseling of patients at high risk for AIDS are recommended. Related audiovisual and book needs should be coordinated through library service. Infectious disease staff, AIDS coordinators, and staff who have attended the National Training Programs on HIV/AIDS should be consulted for appropriate publications or pamphlets to be purchased. Questions should be directed to the AIDS Service at FTS 535-7182. This is the first in a two part series that lists the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of several distributors and titles of brochures, pamphlets and booklets available from them. Most of the titles are related to AIDS prevention and counseling. The list is by no means comprehensive. These selections are provided for information purposes only; they are not recommendations for purchasing. Descriptions for most items have been taken from the distributors' catalogs or the materials. A catalog, if available, as well as additional pricing information can be obtained from the company or organization. The editor takes no responsibility for changes in price quotations or any other information supplied by the distributors. You can also examine titles of materials found in the publication "Learning AIDS: An Information Resources Directory" (published by American Foundation for AIDS Research, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10109-0732. Telephone: 212-719-0033; distributed by R.R. Bowker, 245 West 17th Street, New York, NY 10011. Telephone: 800-521-8110) that has been supplied to all VA libraries. Channing L Bete Co Inc, 200 State Road, South Deerfield, MA 01373. Call (800) 628-7733 for catalog. Company will provide single copies of pamphlets (up to 5 titles) free of charge for review. 1-24 ($1.00); 25-99 (.78); 100-499 (.51); 500-999 (.45); 1,000-2,499 (.41); 2,555-4.999 (.39). Prices for larger quantities also available. A $5.25 handling charge applies to all orders of fewer than 2500 booklets. Titles can be mixed. WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT AIDS. Suitable for a broad range of readers. Explains how HIV affects the immune system, how it may be transmitted, who's at risk, what's being done to control its spread and find a cure. PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM AIDS. Motivates people to protect themselves and others from AIDS. Explains symptoms, how the virus is transmitted, precautions, testing, and more. ABOUT AIDS AND SHOOTING DRUGS. Facts about AIDS and the special risks it poses to those who shoot drugs. Explains steps for preventing infection; includes advice for families and friends. WHAT GAY AND BISEXUAL MEN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT AIDS. Explains AIDS symptoms and effects, describes treatment, and stresses importance of proper precautions. Tells where to find support and information. CARING FOR PEOPLE WITH AIDS. Offers emotional support and positive advice to caregivers of people with AIDS. Identifies key challenges that caregivers face, urging them to be conscientious of their own health. Includes tips on giving care, preventing infection, and more. HIV & AIDS/MILITARY EDITION. Tells how personnel can protect themselves and others. Explains AIDS, its symptoms and effects, clears up misunderstandings, urges readers to help control the spread of AIDS. PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM HIV & AIDS/MILITARY EDITION. Frank, motivational presentation of protective measures. Discusses mandatory testing for military personnel and the meaning of a positive result. LIVING WITH HIV. Tells how to keep as healthy as possible. Explains a positive test and how to prevent HIV transmission, answers questions, and lists sources of support. CONDOMS AND SAFER SEX. Shows how to make condoms a natural part of sexual activity. Addresses their role in protecting against AIDS and other STDs. Columbus AIDS Task Force, 1500 W. Third Ave., Suite 329, Columbus, OH 43212-2843. Telephone: (614) 488-2437. SO...YOU TESTED POSITIVE. The second edition (1990) of this booklet contains practical information for people with HIV- infection, particularly those newly diagnosed. The information serves to reduce anxiety and empower the HIV-infected reader to begin to deal with the diagnosis in a positive mind set and make positive lifestyle choices. The booklet discusses the process of HIV-screening, the significance of a positive result, and the progression of HIV-infection. Emotional responses to testing positive and information about healthy lifestyles, doctor-patient communication, safer sex and other psychosocial issues are explained. The booklet is a guide for individuals and can be used as adjunct material to professional services provided by social workers, counselors, physicians, and nurses (20 pp). 1-100 ($1.00); 101-200 (.90); 201+ (.80). Condom Resource Center, P.O. Box 30564, Oakland, CA 94604. Call (415) 891-0455 for information about additional educational materials. CONDOM PRIMER. This eight page booklet was developed by students at UC-Santa Cruz and Stanford University. The material provides an introduction to condom and lubricant usage. Subjects discussed include: how to store condoms, ways that condoms can fail, condoms and oral sex, safer sex guidelines, and cofactors. ETR Associates/Network Publications, P.O. Box 1830, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1830. Call (800) 321-4407 for catalog. Company will provide single copies of pamphlets (up to 5 titles) free of charge for review. Titles listed below are priced: 50 for $15.00; 200 for $52.00; 500 for $110.00; 1000 for $190.00 AIDS: AM I AT RISK?-A CHECKLIST FOR MODERN LOVERS. Written for adults, this easy-to-understand pamphlet encourages partners to discuss past sexual histories and modify their sexual behavior to lower the risks of becoming infected with HIV. Lists do's and don'ts of safer sex and provides a list of potential risk factors. AIDS--THINK ABOUT IT. Written at a low reading level (in English on one side and Spanish on the other), this pamphlet explains: how HIV/AIDS is transmitted, how to avoid infection and practice safer sex, and where to get more information and help. TALKING WITH YOUR PARTNER ABOUT SAFER SEX. Talking about safer sex may not be easy, but it is a critical step toward the prevention of transmission of HIV/AIDS and other STDs. This pamphlet provides specific guidelines for sexually active couples on discussing safer sex and ways to deal with a partner's response. WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT AIDS? This pamphlet answers basic questions about HIV/AIDS. It also discusses high risk behavior and a number of precautions to lower the risk of infection. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE AIDS ANTIBODY TEST. Gives information about: what the test means, how it works, negative and positive test results, and the types of tests available. It also provides information on the pros and cons of testing, testing procedures, and confidentiality issues. WHAT IS SAFER SEX? This pamphlet spells out the ways to minimize the chances of acquiring HIV from sexual activity. In an explicit discussion of unsafe sexual behaviors, it explains what can be done to practice safer sex and provides positive suggestions for exploring new ways to enjoy sex. The two titles below are priced: 50 for $17.50; 200 for $60.00; 500 for $125.00; 1000 for $200.00 I'LL TAKE THE CONDOM. This easy-to-read photo-tabloid gives sexually active young men a frank message about AIDS and condom use. IT'S ABOUT CONDOMS! This vivid photo-tabloid targets sexually active couples with the clear message that condoms can save lives. Gay Men's Health Crisis, 129 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011- 0022. Call (212) 807--7517 (ask for publications' department) for a catalog. There is a 10% discount on orders from $100-$499.99 and a 15% discount on orders $500 and up. I'M HIV POSITIVE-WHAT NEXT? Being HIV positive isn't the end of the world, it's a chance to begin to take charge of your life and stay healthy! What to watch for, what to do and what to know if you are HIV positive, written in both detailed paragraphs and easy- reference bullets. Illustrated with light-hearted cartoons that help to put HIV infection in perspective. 6th grade reading level. Unit price: .35 INFECTION PRECAUTIONS FOR PEOPLE WITH AIDS. People with AIDS who are able to care for themselves at home can safely live with individuals who do not have AIDS and with other persons with AIDS. This pamphlet describes the simple precautions that should be taken to protect both people with AIDS and the unexposed people with whom they live. 8th grade reading level. Unit price: .25 LOVING SHARING CARING. Black Americans are increasingly suffering the burden of AIDS. This pamphlet is a call to action, outlining the need, the meaning and practice of safer sex to avoid the risk and prevent the spread of HIV, and encouraging education and AIDS service within the community. 5th grade reading level. Unit price: .35 OVERVIEW OF PSYCHO-SOCIAL ISSUES CONCERNING AIDS. For volunteers working with people with AIDS, for their friends and families, this paper focuses on some of the feelings and responses of persons who are about to be or may have just been diagnosed with AIDS. It tells why anger and rage are normal responses, how denial can be used in a positive way, and when denial should be challenged. 12th grade reading level. Unit price: .25 WHEN A FRIEND HAS AIDS. Serious illness is a fact of everyday life, but AIDS has posed new challenges for everyone involved-- not only individuals with AIDS, but also their friends. This brochure presents 32 suggestions for friends and families on how to be supportive of a person with AIDS. 7th grade reading level. (also available in Spanish: Cuando Un Amigo Tiene AIDS). Unit price: .35 I CAN'T COPE WITH MY FEAR OF AIDS. Fears of the "worried well" can affect anybody in the population. This brochure describes fear of AIDS and its symptoms and offers nine solid suggestions for reducing fear and enjoying life despite AIDS. 10th grade reading level. Unit price: .35 THE SAFER SEX CONDOM GUIDE FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Illustrated in visually graphic color, for mature audiences. 4th grade reading level. Unit price: .35 THE TEST: UNDERSTANDING HIV ANTIBODY TESTING. A comprehensive discussion of a very complex issue--taking the HIV antibody test. Explains what "HIV-positive" and "HIV-negative" mean, the pros and cons of testing, the difference between "confidential" and "anonymous" testing and what steps to take before and after testing. Specific to New York City and State only. 12th grade reading level. Unit price: .35 CATALOG OF MATERIALS FOR PROFESSIONALS The Clearinghouse has developed a new catalog, the CATALOG OF HIV/AIDS MATERIALS FOR PROFESSIONALS, as a companion piece to the ARTA Educational Materials Catalog. The materials in the new Catalog help professionals keep up-to-date on scientific data and authoritative guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The materials are produced by CDC, other U.S. Public Health Service agencies, and other AIDS-related organizations. The catalog includes many AIDS-related Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports, reports from the Public Health Service and CDC, reports from the National Commission on AIDS, and materials from the AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service. Most of the publications are free of charge; however, many are limited to one copy per order. To place an order for the Catalog of HIV/AIDS Materials for Professionals call the toll-free number, 1-800-458-5231. AIDS HOTLINE CALLS The AIDS Service, VACO, has established a series of monthly AIDS national hotline or conference calls beginning in January, 1992. The purpose of the calls is to discuss timely issues relevant to HIV/AIDS staff and to address questions from the field. The agenda for the calls will consist of announcements made on the Director's hotline, discussion of policies and other topics of interest. The calls will primarily be directed to HIV/AIDS coordinators and staff involved in the care of HIV/AIDS patients. Although all staff are welcome, it would be helpful to designate a key person in the medical centers to attend these conference calls. It is anticipated that, at times, information pertinent to support services, including fiscal, will be addressed. The calls are intended to address issues in a more timely fashion than is possible through the AIDSGRAM. An example of the type of information envisioned is allocation of PL 100-322, Prevention and Counseling, monies to the medical centers for designated purposes. These calls do not replace the educational conference calls regularly scheduled by the Office of Academic Affairs and the RMECs. The first conference call will be held on January 24, 1992 at 2:00 PM EST. The VANTS system will be used to conduct the call. Issues to be discussed will include the HIV Registry (ICR) recently sent to each medical center and OPC, policy plans for the OSHA standards on bloodborne pathogens and the national training effort on the protection of health care workers. Gary Roselle, Chief of Infectious Diseases, and Susan Sverha, Office of Academic Affairs will participate in the first call. Plans for future calls will also be discussed. NOTE In the 6 September AIDS Information Newsletter (as well as the Information Resources: Infection Control guide used for the bloodborne pathogens program), I stated that the audiovisual, "Hospital Infection Control," was distributed by Parker Productions. To obtain information about this resource, please contact the Altschul Group Corporation, 930 Pitner Ave., Evanston, IL 60202. Telephone: (800) 421-2363.  AIDS INFORMATION NEWSLETTER Michael Howe, MSLS, Editor AIDS Information Center VA Medical Center, San Francisco (415) 221-4810 ext 3305 January 31, 1992 In the 13 December Newsletter, it was announced that on December 6, 1991, each facility received an allocation of $500- $2,000 in funds labeled "HIV/AIDS PREVENTION AND COUNSELING." These funds, allocated by VACO AIDS Service and based on the number of AIDS cases reported by the facility, are to be used for AIDS prevention and counseling publications and pamphlets. This allocation was made in accordance with an information and training mandate in Public Law 100-322 which requires the periodic dissemination of publications on the prevention and transmission of HIV/AIDS. Publications and pamphlets should be available for both patient and personnel education purposes. Placement of educational pamphlets in patient waiting areas and dayrooms and the use of publications in the counseling of patients at high risk for AIDS are recommended. Related audiovisual and book needs should be coordinated through library service. Infectious disease staff, AIDS coordinators, and staff who have attended the National Training Programs on HIV/AIDS should be consulted for appropriate publications or pamphlets to be purchased. Questions should be directed to the AIDS Service at FTS 535-7182. This is the second in a two part series that lists the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of several distributors and titles of brochures, pamphlets and booklets available from them. Most of the titles are related to AIDS prevention and counseling. The list is by no means comprehensive. These selections are provided for information purposes only; they are not recommendations for purchasing. Descriptions for most items have been taken from the distributors' catalogs or the materials. A catalog, if available, as well as additional pricing information can be obtained from the company or organization. The editor takes no responsibility for changes in price quotations or any other information supplied by the distributors. You can also examine titles of materials found in the publication "Learning AIDS: An Information Resources Directory" (published by American Foundation for AIDS Research, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10109-0732. Telephone: 212-719-0033; distributed by R.R. Bowker, 245 West 17th Street, New York, NY 10011. Telephone: 800-521-8110) that has been supplied to all VA libraries. Hazelden Educational Materials, Pleasant Valley Road, P.O. Box 176 Center City, MN 55012-0176. Call (800) 328-9000; (800) 257-0070 (Minnesota only); (612) 257-4010 (Alaska & outside U.S.) for catalog. For these titles, there is a 10% discount on orders of 50-99; 15% for 100-249; 20% for 250-599; 30% for 600-999; 35% for 1000-1999; and 40% on 2000 or more. PREVENTING AIDS: HOPE THROUGH AWARENESS. A resource for those just beginning recovery in an anonymous fellowship or in treatment, this pamphlet clarifies the terminology of HIV and AIDS, how one is exposed to the virus, HIV antibody testing, and guidelines for healthy living (30 pp). Unit price: $1.50 AIDS AND CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY. A fundamental introduction to AIDS and its impact among chemically dependent recovering people, this pamphlet provides parallels between AIDS and chemical dependency (23 pp). Unit price: $1.15 AIDS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. This pamphlet stresses a constructive response to issues surrounding AIDS. It discusses prevention, HIV disease, and the connection between AIDS and chemical dependency (13 pp.). Unit price: $1.60 ImpactAIDS, Inc., 3692 18th St., San Francisco, CA 94110. Call (415) 861-3397 for a catalog. ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND AIDS. This brochure discusses links between the use of alcohol and drugs, damage to the immune system and increased susceptibility to the AIDS virus. Advises reader on how to avoid infection caused by drug use and unsafe sex. English on one side; Spanish on the reverse. Will be updated by the end of January. 1- 99 (.30); 100-499 (.20); 500-999 (.18); 1000-999 (.16) CONDOMS FOR COUPLES. A valuable guide to discussing condom use for heterosexual partners. Includes written and graphic instructions on how to use condoms and lubricant. Specific responses to common objections are given. Will be updated by the end of January. 1- 99 (.30); 100-499 (.20); 500-999 (.18); 1000-999 (.16) COPING WITH GRIEF. Compassionately written, this booklet discusses the loss of someone the reader may have known at work or in private life. Topics discussed include anticipatory grief, acceptance, communication, solitude, listening skills and resources. 1-499 (.90); 500-1499 (.80); 1500-4999 (.75); 5000+ (.70) KEEP IT UP. For gay and bisexual men who find it difficult to practice safe sex every time. Tips for safe sex and how to use a condom are included. 1-99 (.30); 100-499 (.20); 500-999 (.18); 1000-999 (.16) AIDS LIFELINE: THE BEST DEFENSE AGAINST AIDS IS INFORMATION. This informative brochure explains basic facts about AIDS including prevention, cause, risk transmission, symptoms, treatment and diagnosis. Co-produced with KPIX-TV and education Programs Associates. Useful for those with little or no information about AIDS. 1-499 (.90); 500-1499 (.80); 1500-4999 (.75); 5000+ (.70) INFECTION PRECAUTIONS FOR PEOPLE WITH HIV/AIDS. Designed for people with HIV infection, their housemates, lovers, caregivers and family members, this easy-to-read brochure provides information on personal hygiene, household cleaning, cooking, and taking care of pets. 1-99 (.30); 100-499 (.20); 500-999 (.18); 1000-999 (.16) A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE AIDS ANTIBODY TEST. Lists reasons to take or not to take the test, meaning of a positive and negative test result, and questions and answers about test results. 1-99 (.30); 100-499 (.20); 500-999 (.18); 1000-999 (.16) THE EXPANDED GUIDE TO THE HIV ANTIBODY TEST. Designed as a comprehensive guide, this booklet covers a wide range of questions and concerns surrounding the test, how it works, and why the individual should take it. Also included are questions related to babies and HIV infection, safe sex, drugs and needle sharing, and interpretation of results. Will be updated by the end of January. 1-499 (.90); 500-1499 (.80); 1500-4999 (.75); 5000+ (.70) THE ADVENTURES OF BLEACHMAN. This brochure uses comic book illustrations to explain that bleach kills the virus. Bleachman, the superhero, provides specific instructions on how to clean needles. English on one side; Spanish on the other. 1-99 (.30); 100-499 (.20); 500-999 (.18); 1000-999 (.16) MAN TO MAN. This is a simple and direct safe sex brochure for gay and bisexual men. Easy to read, this piece motivates men to practice safe sex and to choose partners who do also. Condom instructions are included on one panel. Two different versions of this piece feature identical copy with men of different races on the cover and inside photo. Each order is a mixture of both versions. 1-99 (.30); 100-499 (.20); 500-999 (.18); 1000-999 (.16) POSITIVE NEWS: STEPS TO TAKE IF YOU ARE HIV POSITIVE. This booklet is intended for the client who has just tested HIV positive. Written in an easy-to-read, low literacy style, this title discusses emotional support, early medical care, health insurance, health habits, drug use, and safe sex. Multi-ethnic graphics. 1- 499 (.90); 500-1499 (.80); 1500-4999 (.75); 5000+ (.70) STRAIGHT TALK ABOUT SEX AND AIDS. This pamphlet is aimed at sexually active heterosexual adults and teens. An easy-to-read guide, it promotes open communication between partners about sexual history and drug use, and encourages condom use to prevent transmission of the AIDS virus. Available in both English and Spanish; will be updated in January. 1-99 (.30); 100-499 (.20); 500-999 (.18); 1000-999 (.16) THE CONDOM BUYER'S GUIDE. Designed to provide the reader with a comprehensive guide to buying, using and disposing of condoms, this brochure can be used by any population. Illustrations cover how to use a condom and lubricant. Language and graphics are simple and straightforward. 1-99 (.30); 100-499 (.20); 500-999 (.18); 1000- 999 (.16) Krames Communications, 1100 Grundy Lane, San Bruno, CA 94066-9821, Call (800) 333-3032 for catalog. There is a 5% discount on orders of 200-599; 15% for 300-599; 25% for 600-999; and 30% for 1000+. UNDERSTANDING HIV INFECTION AND AIDS (8 page booklet) and UNDERSTANDING AND PREVENTION HIV INFECTION AND AIDS (pamphlet). UNDERSTANDING SAFER SEX (8 page booklet or pamphlet). These resources have been revised to reflect current terminology and clinical knowledge. Booklets ($0.95) or pamphlets ($0.40) can be used in displays and as handouts when patients request information. Novela Health Education, 934 East Main Street, Stamford, CT 06902. Call (203) 967-8900 for information packet. TRES HOMBRES SIN FRONTERAS (THREE MEN WITHOUT BORDERS). This fotonovela (in Spanish) tells the story of three migrant workers, each of whom takes a different approach to sexual responsibility. The dramatic story includes a frank discussion of encounters with prostitutes, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, men having relations with men, and perinatal transmission of HIV. 1- 100 (.40); 100-500 (.30); 500-1000 (.25); over 1000 (.20). MARCO APRENDE COMO PROTEGERSE (MARCO LEARNS HOW TO PROTECT HIMSELF). This condom instruction comic book (in Spanish) is an explicit companion piece to the fotovovela "Tres Hombres Sin Fronteras. Marco, one of the three migrant workers, learns how the use of condoms can prevent sexually transmitted diseases. The comic book addresses Latino cultural stereotypes about the use of condoms, and contains detailed instructions for correct usage. 1- 100 (.70); 100-500 (.60); 500-1000 (.55); over 1000 (.50). EL DESPERTAR DE RAMON (THE AWAKENING OF RAMON). This four page tabloid (in Spanish) presents basic AIDS information and stresses the need for Latino families to move beyond denial to awareness of risks. 1-100 (.35); 100-500 (.25); 500-1000 (.20); over 1000 copies (.15). People of Color Against AIDS Network, 1200 S. Jackson, Suite 25, Seattle, WA 98144. Call (206) 322-7061 for additional information. The following brochures are available for $.15 each except for "What is AIDS?" (.25). ASIANS AND AIDS (available in Vietnamese, Chinese, Tagalog, Korean, Samoan, and Laotian versions) ARE INDIANS AT RISK FROM AIDS? CAN INDIAN KIDS GET AIDS? AIDS IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY CAN'T TOUCH THIS Famous Last Words Brochures (in English & Spanish): HEY MAN, LET ME USE YOUR WORKS OIGA HOMBRE, DEJEME USAR SU JERINGA OK, BUT NEXT TIME YOU HAVE TO WEAR ONE MUY BIEN, PERO LA PROXIMA VEZ TIENES QUE PONER UNO I DON'T NEED TO WEAR ONE OF THOSE YO NO NECESITO USAR UNO DE ESOS Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., Publications Department, 810 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019. Call (212) 541-7800 for catalog. Up to 10 copies each of any PPFA pamphlet are available for review to educators and institutions. Attach a separate note on your letterhead and titles listed will be mailed at no charge. AIDS AND HIV: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. This update (1990) provides answers to crucial questions regarding the transmission, diagnosis, and treatment of AIDS as well as insights into the special needs of people with AIDS (24 pp). Reading level: 7th grade. $35/100 or $200/1000. THE CONDOM: WHAT IT IS, WHAT IT IS FOR, HOW TO USE IT. This revised brochure (1990) discusses the use, care, and effectiveness of condoms, stressing the condom's role in safer sex. Includes a special playscript of supportive arguments to encourage a partner to use a condom. Emphasizes condom use in conjunction with vaginal chemical contraceptives (8 pp). Reading level: 6th grade. $25/100 or $175/1000. The Rubber Tree, 4426 Burke Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98103. This non-profit organization distributes condoms; safer sex supplies; contraceptive foams, creams, jellies, sponges, suppositories; lubricants; greeting cards; posters; books; and other sex education information nationwide. Call (206) 633-4750 for a catalog. ALL ABOUT CONDOMS. This brochure explains how to use a condom by diagrams and text, provides general information about condoms, lists the advantages and disadvantages of condom use, describes characteristics of various condoms, and discusses proper storage and effectiveness of condoms. .15 each. Tucson AIDS Project, 151 South Tucson Blvd., Suite 252, Tucson, AZ 85716. Call 602-322-6226. MEN ALOUD. These pocket-size brochures (posters also available) are intended to inform men who have sex with men about the basics of HIV transmission and to empower them to make personal choices about sexual behavior. Past education strategies attempted to "categorize" risk for specific behavior rather than discuss biological transmission of HIV and the variables that affect risk. MEN ALOUD presents a few simple guidelines for understanding practical risk. These guidelines can be put to use in any situation, as men decide what level of risk they are comfortable with. Based on European and Canadian models, these materials exemplify this new philosophy of education. Unit price: .25 WOMEN AND AIDS WOMEN NEED TO KNOW ABOUT AIDS. Written specifically for women, this brochure tells what AIDS is, who is at risk, how HIV is transmitted, and what are the symptoms of AIDS. Other topics include safer sex, drug use, pregnancy, children, artificial insemination, and testing. 9th grade reading level. (Also available in Spanish: La Mujer Debe Informarse sobre SIDA). Gay Men's Health Crisis, 129 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011- 0022. Call (212) 807-7517. Unit price: .35 WHAT WOMEN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT AIDS. This pamphlet addresses the specific concerns of women about HIV/AIDS, including pregnancy and confidentiality issues. ETR Associates/Network Publications, P.O. Box 1830, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1830. Call (800) 321-4407. 50 for $15.00; 200 for $52.00; 500 for $110.00; 1000 for $190.00 WOMEN AND AIDS. Alerts women to the risks AIDS poses to them, their sexual partners and their unborn infants. Outlines ways to protect against infection; dispels myths, encourages honest communication with sexual partners. Channing L Bete Co Inc, 200 State Road, South Deerfield, MA 01373. Call (800) 628-7733. 1-24 ($1.00); 25-99 (.78); 100-499 (.51); 500-999 (.45); 1,000-2,499 (.41); 2,555-4.999 (.39) AIDS EDUCATIONAL COMICS A useful and informative article that provides an overview of comics for AIDS education and a directory of materials discussed in the article can be found in: Rifas, Leonard. AIDS Educational Comics. RSR (Reference Services Review), Summer 1991;19(2):81- 87. This special issue is devoted to AIDS resources and sources for additional information. AIDS HOTLINE CALL The AIDS Service, VACO, held the first conference call on January 24 to discuss timely issues relevant to HIV/AIDS staff and to address questions from the field. The second conference call will be held on February 6 at 11:00 AM ET. The VANTS system will be used to conduct the call. You are encouraged to join us and to participate in the conference call.  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs = = AIDS Information Center = = Michael Howe, MSLS = = = = VA Medical Center (142D) Voice: 415-221-4810 = = 4150 Clement Street ext 3305 = = San Francisco, CA 94121 FTS: 700-470-3305 = = FAX: 415-750-6919 = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *