Compulsive Sex & HIVHIV Counselor PERSPECTIVESV4, N1, Jan 1994 HIV Counselor PERSPECTIVESPERSPECTIVES is an educational publication of the California Department of Health Services, Office of AIDS, written and produced by the AIDS Health Project of the University of California San Francisco. Reprint permission is granted, provided acknowledgement is given to the Department of Health Services. PERSPECTIVES is based largely on input from antibody test counselors and other health professionals. Among those who had a significant influence on this issue are Susan McCreedy, Arnett Thomas, Christine Cipperly, Hank Tavera, Joe Chase and Christine Geoghegan.
Writer and Editor: John Tighe
AIDS Health ProjectDirector: James W. Dilley, MDPublications Manager: Robert Marks Designer: Saul Rosenfield Department of Health Services, Offices of AIDS P.O. Box 942732 Sacramento, CA 94234 (906) 445-0553 AIDS Health Project Box 0884 San Francisco, CA 94143-0884 (415) 476-6430 HIV Counselor PERSPECTIVES V4, N1 [email protected] (Sun Jan 1 21:46:28 1995) |