References - Nonoxynol

(Arranged Chronologically)
Elias CJ. Heise LL. Challenges for the development of female-
controlled vaginal microbicides. AIDS. 1994;8:1-9.
Fisher AA. Allergic contact dermatitis to nonoxynol-9 in a condom
[news]. Cutis 1994 Mar;53(3):110-1.
Bourinbaiar AS. et al. Comparative in vitro study of contraceptive
agents with anti-HIV activity: gramicidin, nonoxynol-9, and
gossypol. Contraception 1994 Feb;49(2):131-7.
Stein ZA. Vaginal microbicides and prevention of HIV infection
[letter]. Lancet 1994 Feb 5;343(8893):362-3.
Jennings R. et al. The inhibitory effect of spermicidal agents on
replication of HSV-2 and HIV-1 in-vitro. J Antimicrob Chemother
1993 Jul;32(1):71-82.
Whaley KJ. et al. Nonoxynol-9 protects mice against vaginal
transmission of genital herpes infections. J Infect Dis 1993
Moench TR. et al. The cat/feline immunodeficiency virus model for
transmucosal transmission of AIDS: nonoxynol-9 contraceptive jelly
blocks transmission by an infected cell inoculum. AIDS 1993
Resnick L. et al. Comparative evaluation of spermicidal agents with
virucidal activity against HIV. Int Conf AIDS. 1993 Jun
6-11;9(2):743 (abstract no. PO-C22-3154).].
Roddy RE. et al. A dosing study of nonoxynol-9 and genital
irritation. Int J STD AIDS 1993 May-Jun;4(3):165-70.
Zekeng L. et al. Barrier contraceptive use and HIV infection among
high-risk women in Cameroon. AIDS 1993 May;7(5):725-31.
Hochmeister MN. et al. Effects of nonoxinol-9 on the ability to
obtain DNA profiles from postcoital vaginal swabs. J Forensic Sci
1993 Mar;38(2):442-7.
Jones BM. et al. The in vivo effects of nonoxynol-9 contraception
on vaginal microbial flora and colonization with Escherichia coli
[letter; comment]. J Infect Dis 1993 Mar;167(3):777-8.
Chantler E. et al. Quantification of the in vitro activity of some
compounds with spermicidal activity. Contraception 1992
Lesher JL Jr. What's in a name when efficacy isn't efficacious?
[letter; comment]. JAMA 1992 Dec 23-30;268(24):3434.
Chantler E. et al. Compatibility between the spermicide nonoxynol
9 and mid-cycle human cervical mucus. Contraception 1992
Hermonat PL. et al. The spermicide nonoxynol-9 does not inactivate
papillomavirus. Sex Transm Dis 1992 Jul-Aug;19(4):203-5.
Gollub EL. et al. Nonoxynol-9 and the reduction of HIV transmission
in women [letter;comment]. AIDS 1992 Jun;6(6):599-601.

[email protected] (Thu Sep 1 11:44:35 1994)