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Heirarchy of Sin

We know a fine Christian Reformed couple, the female side of which has some compulsion to share with my wife the sordid details of all the wild and kinky things going on in their bedroom. You wouldn't believe it (or maybe you would)!

And there's the rub ... these are the kind of people who are the pillars of your congregation ... tithers and quick to volunteer ... who would be totally horrified and mortified if the congregation found out what we know. And yet they are the first to condemn others.

Most people, including christians, believe in a "hierarchy of sin", wherein their personal transgressions are of a lower order of importance than those of others. This seems to be an essential tool in coping with guilt ... there always needs to others who are much worse.

This perspective suggests that "straights" should be thankful for gays and lesbians ... and, indeed, that is probably the subconscious case. But it also requires that homosexual behavior remains high on the "sin list", so there is very little hope that it will ever be accepted as a legitimate lifestyle choice.

I can't help but think that God probably couldn't care less about our sex lives ... so as long as our sexual behavior isn't hurtful to others there's no need to justify ourselves. And I do think that, with respect to God's view, you are absolutely correct ... He does care about and does value the "good" we do.

Just the reverse is true of our peers, however. "Sin" rules; "Good" sucks! I found out the hard way that all of the good one does counts for nothing when one stands formally accused. Of course, this is perfectly obvious to anyone who follows what the media calls "the news" ... it should have come as no surprise.

I noticed a bumper sticker today that credits the Pope with this statement ... "If you want peace, work for justice."

Justice is what's missing from much of our societal interactivity. Its a simple concept, really ... "Why do you search for the spec in your neighbor's eye, when you can't see the log in your own?" ... "Do unto others ..."

But again, doing justice doesn't do as much to assuage our guilt as does accusation and prosecution ... so I suspect we'll continue to be a mean society.

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