Sea Breeze 

Tide receding, ebb and flow 
Cabin open, bed down turned. 
Your hair swept back by the breeze. 
Hot my heart, your touch burns. 

Sea birds cry in the afternoon swell, 
Air thick with life, salt trickles down my chest. 
Eyes sparkle, tongues touch. Murmur urgent 
Talk of love, of need,the ache of lust checked. 

We Coupled,two connected as one, 
Swells building against the shore. 
Breaking one and then another 
Rocks wet and broken into sand. 

Sea otter playing in the surf 
Listens to our Passion play. 
Licks his whiskers well. Crack 
The oyster I take the nectar down 

Soar over the pounding spray 
My lover girl. Bid me enter 
Warm and wet glistening shimmer 
Absorb each pounding Trust. 

I the captain you my mate. 
Navigate the shoals. Deeper water 
Sea Siren beckon, bind my heart with 
Love and Lust,in twinning knot forever. 
